Home » Taking a Closer Look at SeekingArrangement

Taking a Closer Look at SeekingArrangement

  • SeekingArrangement makes it easy to find a mutually beneficial relationship.
  • It offers a safe and secure platform for users to connect with one another.
  • It provides an opportunity to meet like-minded people from all over the world.
  • Not everyone is looking for a serious relationship.
  • It can be difficult to find someone who is compatible with you.
  • Some people may not be honest about their intentions.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to date someone with the same interests and values as you, but without the hassle of a traditional relationship? SeekingArrangement is the perfect platform for you! But is it really worth your time and money? Read on to find out! What kind of people use this site? Is it easy to navigate? How does it compare to other dating sites? Get ready to find out if SeekingArrangement is the right fit for you!


Ah, SeekingArrangement. It’s like the “middle child” of the dating world – not the best, but not the worst either. Sure, it may not be as flashy or as popular as some of the other sites out there, but it definitely gets the job done. It’s a great option for those looking for something more than just a casual fling. Plus, you can find someone who’s willing to make a financial arrangement with you, which is always a plus! All in all, SeekingArrangement is an okay choice – not the best, but not the worst either.

How Does SeekingArrangement Work?

SeekingArrangement is an online dating platform that facilitates mutually beneficial relationships between individuals. It is not a traditional dating site, but rather a site for those looking to form arrangements with other members. SeekingArrangement is based on the idea of “sugar dating”, which involves one person (the sugar baby) providing companionship or services in exchange for financial support from another person (the sugar daddy/mommy).

The SeekingArrangement platform allows users to create profiles and search for potential matches. Profiles can include information about age, location, interests, and what type of arrangement the user is seeking. The platform also offers features such as private messaging, video chat, and virtual gifts.

It is important to note that SeekingArrangement is not a good option for those looking for a traditional dating experience. The platform is geared towards those who are looking for a transactional relationship and should not be used by those looking for a committed relationship. Additionally, the platform does not provide any background checks or verification of its users, so it is important to exercise caution when engaging with other members.

Design & Usability

SeekingArrangement has a modern, minimalistic design with a color palette of black, white, and pink. The overall look is clean and professional, and the website is easy to navigate. It features intuitive navigation menus, search filters, and user profiles that make it simple to find what you’re looking for. The site also offers helpful tools such as its blog, which provides dating advice and tips.

The usability of SeekingArrangement is excellent. All the necessary features are clearly labeled and organized in a logical manner. The website also loads quickly and runs smoothly on all devices. Users can easily access their account settings, messages, and profile information from any device.

Users who purchase a paid subscription will gain access to additional features, such as advanced search filters and unlimited messaging. These features can help users find more compatible matches and communicate more effectively. Additionally, users who purchase a premium subscription will be able to access an improved user interface, which includes larger profile photos and a more streamlined layout.

Overall, SeekingArrangement has a well-designed and user-friendly website. It features intuitive navigation menus, helpful search filters, and an easy-to-use messaging system. Those who purchase a premium subscription will have access to additional features and an improved user interface.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of paramount importance when it comes to online dating, and SeekingArrangement is no exception. The platform offers a variety of features that ensure users’ safety and security while using the site.

SeekingArrangement has a verification process for users, which includes verifying their identity through a valid email address and photo ID. This helps to ensure that all members on the site are real people. Additionally, SeekingArrangement fights against bots and fake accounts by employing an automated system that flags suspicious activity and profiles. Furthermore, the site also offers a two-step verification option for added security.

The photos uploaded by users on SeekingArrangement are manually reviewed to ensure they meet the site’s standards. Additionally, SeekingArrangement takes privacy seriously and has a detailed privacy policy in place. This outlines how the site collects, stores, and uses user data.

Despite these measures, there are still some areas where SeekingArrangement could improve its safety and security. For example, the site could offer more detailed advice and guidance to users on how to stay safe while using the platform. Additionally, SeekingArrangement could introduce more robust measures to protect user data, such as encryption technology. Finally, the site could consider introducing an in-app messaging system to reduce the risk of users being contacted by scammers.

SeekingArrangement features

SeekingArrangement offers both free and paid features for its users. The free version of the platform allows users to create a profile, browse other members’ profiles, and send winks to those they are interested in. Paid members have access to additional features such as sending messages, viewing who has viewed their profile, and participating in live chat sessions. Unique features on SeekingArrangement include the ability to filter members by income, the option to hide your profile from search results, and the “Diamond Club” membership which provides premium features such as unlimited messaging and advanced search filters.

The pricing structure for SeekingArrangement is based on a monthly subscription model. Standard members can upgrade to a premium membership for $19.95 per month. Diamond Club memberships cost $34.95 per month and offer additional features such as an anonymous profile, priority customer service, and the ability to view who has liked their profile. There is also a “Sugar Baby” membership available for $9.95 per month which provides access to exclusive offers and discounts.

For those looking for a more customized experience, SeekingArrangement also offers a variety of add-on services. These include profile verification, profile highlighting, and message read notifications. Prices for these services vary depending on the package chosen.

Overall, SeekingArrangement offers a wide range of features and services for both free and paid members. With its unique features, customizable packages, and competitive pricing, SeekingArrangement is a great choice for those looking for an online dating platform.

  • Verified profiles
  • Ability to filter potential matches by location, lifestyle, and interests
  • Private photo albums
  • Live chat feature
  • Background checks for added safety

Signing up

Registering on SeekingArrangement is a straightforward process. To start, users must visit the website and click the “Sign Up” button. This will take them to a page where they can select whether they are registering as a Sugar Daddy/Mama or a Sugar Baby. Once they have selected their role, they will be asked to provide some basic information such as their name, email address, gender, date of birth, and location. The minimum age requirement for registration is 18 years old.

After entering this information, users will be asked to create a username and password. They will also be asked to agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. After agreeing to these terms, users will be taken to a page where they can add additional information about themselves. This includes things like body type, ethnicity, education level, occupation, and more. Users can also upload a profile picture at this stage.

Once all the information has been entered, users will be asked to verify their account via email. After verifying their account, users will be able to log in and begin using the site. Registration on SeekingArrangement is free and does not require any payment information.

Overall, the registration process on SeekingArrangement is simple and straightforward. It requires users to provide basic information about themselves and create a username and password. The minimum age requirement for registration is 18 years old and the entire process is free. After completing the registration process, users can log in and begin using the site.

  • To register on SeekingArrangement, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you are looking for
  • Your date of birth
  • Your location
  • An account username and password
  • An agreement to the terms and conditions of the website

Help & Support

Users can access the support of SeekingArrangement by visiting the website and clicking on the “Help” link at the bottom of the page. This will take them to a page with a list of frequently asked questions and answers. If their question is not answered there, they can contact the support team directly via email or phone. The response time varies depending on the type of query, but generally users should expect to receive a response within 24 hours.

I have contacted SeekingArrangement’s support team a couple of times and found the response to be good. However, it did take a while for them to get back to me. On one occasion, I had to wait almost 48 hours before I received a response. That said, the customer service representatives were very helpful and provided detailed answers to my questions.

Overall, SeekingArrangement provides an adequate level of customer support. While the response time may not be as fast as some users would like, the customer service representatives are knowledgeable and willing to help. Additionally, the FAQ page is a great resource for those who want to find answers quickly.

Mobile App

SeekingArrangement is a dating site that offers users the opportunity to connect with potential partners for mutually beneficial arrangements. The platform has become increasingly popular in recent years, and many users are interested in whether it has a mobile app.

The answer is yes: SeekingArrangement does have a mobile app. It is available on both iOS and Android devices, and it is free to download. The app is native, meaning it was specifically designed for mobile use. It has all the same features as the website, including the ability to search for potential matches, view profiles, send messages, and more.

The main advantage of the SeekingArrangement app is that it makes it easier to stay connected with potential matches. Users can access their account on the go, allowing them to respond quickly to messages and stay up-to-date with new connections. The app also has a convenient notifications feature that allows users to receive updates when someone views their profile or sends them a message.

However, there are some drawbacks to the SeekingArrangement app. For example, some users have reported that the app can be slow and unresponsive at times. Additionally, the app does not offer any additional features that are not available on the website, so users may find that they do not need the app if they already use the website regularly.

Overall, the SeekingArrangement app is a useful tool for users who want to stay connected with potential matches while on the go. While it does have some drawbacks, it is generally reliable and easy to use.

User Profiles

SeekingArrangement profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone on the website. Users can set a custom bio to give more information about themselves, such as their interests, hobbies, and background. Location information is also included in the profiles, but users have the option to hide it if they wish. There is no indication of the distance between users, however users can search for other users within a certain area.

Premium subscription profiles offer additional benefits such as increased visibility, access to private photos, and the ability to send unlimited messages. Premium subscribers also have the option to verify their profile, which adds an extra layer of trustworthiness.

There are some fake profiles on SeekingArrangement, but the website does its best to remove them. The website encourages users to report any suspicious activity or profiles that seem too good to be true.

Overall, SeekingArrangement profiles provide users with a platform to showcase their personality and interests, while also giving them the option to remain anonymous if they choose. With the addition of premium subscriptions, users can gain access to even more features to help them find the perfect match.


SeekingArrangement offers three different subscription plans: Basic, Total Access, and Premium. The Basic plan is free and allows users to browse profiles, send messages, and view limited profile information. The Total Access plan costs $79.95 per month and provides access to all features, including advanced search filters, read receipts, and unlimited messaging. The Premium plan costs $89.95 per month and includes all of the features of the Total Access plan, plus a few additional perks such as priority customer service and profile highlighting.

The pricing for SeekingArrangement is competitive when compared to other dating sites on the market. It is possible to use SeekingArrangement without paying, but the experience is significantly more limited than with a paid subscription. With a paid subscription, users can access more features, such as advanced search filters, read receipts, and unlimited messaging. Additionally, those who opt for the Premium plan will receive priority customer service and have their profile highlighted.

Overall, SeekingArrangement offers a variety of subscription plans that are reasonably priced and provide access to a range of features. Those who choose to pay for a subscription will be able to take advantage of additional features that are not available to those who opt for the free Basic plan.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic Membership Free Create a profile, browse profiles, send winks and messages, receive messages from premium members
Premium Membership $89.95/month Unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, view verified photos, read receipts, see who’s viewed your profile, access to private albums
Diamond Club Membership $199.95/month All features of Premium Membership plus: priority customer service, profile boost, highlighted profile, and exclusive Diamond Club events

Similar Sites

Other dating sites such as eHarmony, Match.com, and OkCupid offer similar services to SeekingArrangement, allowing users to connect with potential partners. Additionally, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can be used to meet people who share similar interests.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for individuals who are looking for a mutually beneficial relationship.
  • Best for people who want to explore different types of relationships.
  • Best for those seeking companionship and financial stability.

How we reviewed SeekingArrangement

As an online dating expert, I took a deep dive into SeekingArrangement to review it. To get the full experience, my team and I tested both the free and paid versions of the site. We sent messages to other users, spending days at a time on the site and sending over 200 messages in total. We also explored all the features that SeekingArrangement has to offer, such as its messaging system, profile creation process, search filters, and more.

We also spent time researching SeekingArrangement’s user base and safety measures. We looked at the number of active users, the types of people who use the site, and how secure the platform is. We also read through SeekingArrangement’s terms of service and privacy policy to make sure that our readers are aware of what they can expect from the site.

Our commitment to this review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such in-depth reviews. We wanted to make sure that our readers have all the information they need to make an informed decision about whether or not SeekingArrangement is right for them. We put in the extra effort to ensure that our readers get the most out of their experience with SeekingArrangement.


1. Is SeekingArrangement free?

No, SeekingArrangement is not free. However, it is a legitimate dating site that can be used to find potential matches. It’s worth checking out, but there are other sites that may be better suited for your needs.

2. Is SeekingArrangement worth it?

SeekingArrangement is a decent option if you’re looking for a more casual dating experience. It’s worth considering, but I would recommend exploring other sites too. Ultimately, it depends on what you’re looking for in a relationship.

3. How does SeekingArrangement website work?

SeekingArrangement is a dating site that allows users to connect with potential partners. It offers a variety of features to help people find what they are looking for, but it’s important to be aware of the risks associated with online dating. Ultimately, SeekingArrangement can be a useful tool for finding a relationship, but it’s best to take safety precautions and use your best judgement when meeting someone new.

4. How to cancel subscription on SeekingArrangement?

It’s easy to cancel your subscription on SeekingArrangement – just go to the settings page and you’ll find the option. That said, there are plenty of other dating sites out there that might be a better fit for you. You should explore those options before committing to any one site.


Overall, SeekingArrangement is an okay option among other dating sites. It has a straightforward registration process and a user-friendly interface, making it easy to use. However, the pricing is relatively high compared to other sites and there are no guarantees of safety or security. The site also targets those looking for sugar daddy/sugar baby relationships, which may not be suitable for everyone. Therefore, while SeekingArrangement is an okay option, it may not be the best choice for those seeking a more traditional dating experience.

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